Fossil Fuel Age Challenge Logo

The EcoEnlighten the Fossil Fuel Man Event

The Fossil Fuel Man represents all of us. No one is perfect. We all grew up living in the Fossil Fuel Age and to one extent or another, all of our daily lives depend on fossil fuels. We can also all do more to reduce our need for them. The goal of this event is for participants (a.k.a educators) to “EcoEnlighten” the Fossil Fuel Man by raising his spirits, and encouraging him, along with all of us, to learn more, take action, and become part of the solution.

This event is non-confrontational and uplifting. We use humor to grab attention and break down defensive barriers. We attract people and encourage them to think about the EcoEnlightened Age – an age where we’ve solved the pollution and the climate crises. While these crises have and will continue, to create suffering throughout the world, we have the ability to dawn a less polluted, more peaceful, EcoEnlightened Age for everyone.

Learn More
If you would like the Fossil Fuel Man to visit your community, school, organization, business, or event, please contact us by clicking here: contact us.

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2023-04-30 15:42:43
April 27, 2023 - Built Environment+ Sustainability Scavenger Hunt Awards Ceremony at Cisco Brewery
2023-04-25 02:55:24
Earth Day, April 22, 2023 The “EcoEnlighten the Fossil Fuel Man” Campaign Launches in Boston MA About The EcoEnlighten the Fossil Fuel Man Event The Fossil Fuel Man represents all of us. No one is perfect, we all grew up […]